Dry Rosé
Dry Rosé, 2024

$ 26.00

During the busy harvest season, we often think about how nice it is to relax and enjoy a bottle of dry Rosé. This one was made by directly pressing red grapes harvested at appropriate maturity for the product. We like to think of it as the blood of our grapes, the sweat of our brow, and tears of joy.

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Winemaker's Notes

This is a wine our extended family probably consumes more frequently than any of our other wines because we love it so. I often say I make this for the family and sell some because I make more than we can drink. The typical proportions of this consists of half Grenache, with the other half made up of Zinfandel and Syrah in some combination dependent upon vintage character. In 2024 the optimal proportion was about 54% Grenache, 23% Syrah and 23% Zinfandel. Each variety is harvested and vinified separately with the blend being made according to taste.

This vintage is quite similar to the past handful we have bottled. A little watermelon is evident from the first part of an over-chilled glass right from the refrigerator. Then, as the glass begins to warm, it channels aromas of rosé champagne, which is curious since there is no Pinot Noir at all in this mix. But there is also a complexity that comes along with the years that méthode champenoise brings to that fine product. Why does that end up in a still rosé from California that has only lived a few months? Perhaps the use of old barrels on lees? Hard to say… But the proper proportion of Grenache, Zinfandel and Syrah do create perfect harmony with angles in balance with rounds, different flavors and aromas giving complexity yet still providing a central theme and cogency of flavor tones. Upon further warming toward room temperature we see more of the hibiscus perfume that the Zinfandel somehow brings without showing it on its own (the mysteries of blending). Then a little Santa Rosa Plum skin shows up. By that time the glass is about empty, the bright, mouth-watering acidity frames that image of a tart myrobalan plum [A rootstock for the prunes my grandfather grew where most of our vineyards are now. Sometimes the rootstock suckers would be allowed to grow and us kids picking prunes would eat these rogue plums.] What is left is a clean, crisp refreshed palate ready for another glass or another bite of food.





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